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import {EventEmitter} from 'events'
import ExponentialBackoff from '../../lib/backoff-wrapper'
import {getRemoteDB} from '../../lib/db'

 * Handles replication between a local and remote PouchDB database.
 * Keeps track of state, uses an {@link ExponentialBackoff} to prevent
 * connection saturation, serving as a wrapper over PouchDB replication.
 * The source database is set once in the constructor and remains unchanged
 * and unchangeable during operation.
export default class Replicator extends EventEmitter {

	 * @param {Logger} logger Bunyan logger instance.
	 * @param {PouchDB} sourceDB Database to be replicated.
	constructor(logger, sourceDB) {

		 * Logger instance.
		 * @type {Bunyan}
		this._log = logger

		 * Replicator status.
		 * @type {String}
		this._state = 'inactive'

		 * Source database.
		 * @type {PouchDB}
		this._sourceDB = sourceDB

		 * Target database.
		 * @type {!PouchDB}
		this._targetDB = undefined

		 * ExponentialBackoff instance.
		 * Keeps track of the replication backoff.
		 * @type {ExponentialBackoff}
		this._backoff = new ExponentialBackoff()

		 * PouchDB replication instance/ID.
		 * @type {!PouchDBReplicationID}
		this._replication = undefined

		this._backoff.on('retry', retry => setImmediate(() => this._ensureReplication(retry)))
		this._backoff.on('backoff', (retry, delay) => {
			// Cancels current replicator if there is one (no need in keeping an errored replicator)

			// Don't signal we're connecting if we're inactive
			if (this._state === 'inactive' || this._state === 'cleanup') {

			this._log.debug('Backing off from replication', {retry, delay})

	 * Stops the replication process.
	 * @emits state('inactive')
	stop() {
		this._log.info('Stopping replication')


	_cancelCurrentReplicator() {
		if (this._replication) {
			// Prevent the replicator from triggering the backoff

			// Get rid of it
			this._replication = undefined

	 * Stops current replication and attempts last-minute replication.
	 * Last-minute replication is done in "one-shot" mode: replicates whatever data it has
	 * and immediately stops without listening for changes in the local database.
	 * @emits state('cleanup')
	 * @returns {Promise}
	async cleanup() {
		// Before doing anything, stop!


		let ok = false
		try {
			// Before going away attempt one last replication to get the remaining data out
			ok = (await this._createReplicator({live: false, retry: true})).ok
		} catch (err) {
			this._log.warn('Error in last-minute replication', {err})

		if (ok) {
			this._log.info('Last minute replication successful')
		} else {
			this._log.warn('Last minute replication failed')

	 * Starts replication to a remote database.
	 * @param {String} dbName Name/URL of the remote database.
	 * @param {String} [username] Database username, if applicable.
	 * @param {String} [password] Database password, if applicable.
	 * @emits state(state): the state of the replicator.
	 * @returns {Promise} resolved when the replication connection succeeds for the first time.
	replicate(dbUrl, username, password) {
		// Don't try replicating when we're going away
		if (this._state === 'cleanup') {
			return Promise.resolve()

		// Stop any already running replication

		this._log.info('Live replication triggered', {dbUrl, username})

		// Create the DB object here to avoid memory leaks
		this._targetDB = getRemoteDB(dbUrl, username, password)

		// Kick the process into action
		return new Promise(resolve => {
			this._backoff.once('success', resolve)

	 * Restarts the replication process when unintentionally stopped.
	 * @param {Number} retry Retry counter
	_ensureReplication(retry) {
		// Don't re-create a replicator that is not meant to be
		if (this._state === 'inactive' || this._state === 'cleanup' || !this._targetDB) {

		// Cancel current replicator if there is one

		this._log.info('Attempting replication', {retry})

		// (re)create replicator and listen to events for state magic
		this._replication = this._createReplicator()
			.on('paused', err => {
				if (!err) {
				this._updateState('pause', err)
			.on('active', () => {
			.on('denied', err => {
				// This is not fatal for the replicator but is a pretty bad sign
				this._log.error('Replication denied', err)
			.once('error', err => {
				// This instance is bad, discard and recreate it with exponential backoff
				this._log.warn('Replication error', err)
			.once('complete', () => {
				// This instance is bad, discard and recreate it with exponential backoff
				this._log.warn('Replication canceled/completed')

	 * Creates a new PouchDB replicator.
	 * Remember that this class is simply a wrapper.
	 * @param {Object} [opts] PouchDB replication options.
	 * @param {Boolean} [opts.live=true] Keep the replication running, pushing changes as they happen.
	 * @param {Boolean} [opts.retry=false] Enable PouchDB's built-in backoff algorithm.
	 * @returns {PouchDBReplicationID}
	_createReplicator(opts = {live: true, retry: false, batch_size: 20, batch_limit: 5}) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
		return this._sourceDB.replicate.to(

	 * Updates the Replicator's {@link Replicator#_state}.
	 * @param {String} state New state.
	 * @param {Object} [moreLogData] Extra data to be included in the log.
	 * @emits state(state)
	_updateState(state, moreLogData) {
		// Prevent infinite loops of the log replicator flipping between active and inactive
		// Just log active/paused states when you're not switching between them or when errors occur
		if ((state !== 'active' && state !== 'pause') || (this._state !== 'active' && this._state !== 'pause') || moreLogData) {
			this._log.info('updateState', moreLogData, {state})
		this._state = state
		this.emit('state', state)